PAW Patrol: Season 3
EP1 - Pups Find a Genie
EP2 - Pups Save a Tightrope Walker
EP3 - Pups Save a Snowboard Competition
EP4 - Pups Save a Chicken of the Sea
EP5 - Pups Save the Soccer Game
EP6 - Pups Save a Lucky Collar
EP7 - Air Pups
EP8 - The Pups Save Friendship Day
EP9 - Pups Save Alex's Mini-Patrol
EP10 - Pups Save a Lost Tooth
EP11 - Pups Save Daring Danny X
EP12 - Pups in a Fix
EP13 - Pups Save a Dragon
EP14 - Pups Save Three Little Pigs
EP15 - Pups Save a Goldrush
EP16 - Pups Save the Paw Patroller
EP17 - Pups Save Apollo
EP18 - Pups Save the Hippos
EP19 - Pups Save the Polar Bears
EP20 - A Pup in Sheep's Clothing
EP21 - Pups Save a School Bus
EP22 - Pups Save the Songbirds
EP23 - Pups Save Old Trusty
EP24 - Pups Save a Pony
EP25 - All Star Pups!
EP26 - Pups Save Sports Day
EP27 - Tracker Joins the Pups!
EP28 - Parroting Pups
EP29 - Merpups Save the Turbots
EP30 - Pups Save a Robo-Saurus
EP31 - Pups Save a Film Festival
EP32 - Pups Save a Stinky Flower
EP33 - Pups Save a Monkey-naut
EP34 - Pups Bear-ly Save Danny
EP35 - Pups Save the Mayor's Tulips
EP36 - Pups Get Growing
EP37 - Pups Save a Space Toy
EP38 - Pups in a Jam
EP39 - Pups Save a Windsurfing Pig
EP40 - Pups Save the Gliding Turbots
EP41 - Pups Save a Plane
EP42 - Pups Get Skunked
EP43 - Pups and a Whale of a Tale
EP44 - The Pups' Winter Wonder Show
EP45 - Pups Save a Giant Plant
EP46 - Pups Get Stuck
EP47 - Pups Raise the PAW Patroller
EP48 - Pups Save the Crows
EP49 - Pups Save Their Floating Friends
EP50 - Pups Save a Satellite