Critical Role: Season 1

EP1 - Arrival at Kraghammer EP2 - Into the Greyspine Mines EP3 - Strange Bedfellows EP4 - Attack on the Duergar Warcamp EP5 - The Trick about Falling EP6 - Breaching the Emberhold EP7 - The Throne Room EP8 - Glass and Bone EP9 - Yug'Voril Uncovered EP10 - K'Varn Revealed EP11 - The Temple Showdown EP12 - Dungeons & Dragons Campaign Tips EP13 - Escape from the Underdark EP14 - Shopping and Shipping EP15 - Skyward EP16 - Enter Vasselheim EP17 - Hubris EP18 - Trial of the Take (1) EP19 - Trial of the Take (2) EP20 - Trial of the Take (3) EP21 - Trial of the Take (4) EP22 - Aramente to Pyrah EP23 - The Rematch EP24 - The Feast EP25 - Crimson Diplomacy EP26 - Consequences and Cows EP27 - The Path to Whitestone EP28 - The Sun Tree EP29 - Whispers EP30 - Stoke the Flames EP31 - Gunpowder Plot EP32 - Against the Tide of Bone EP33 - Reunions EP34 - Race to the Ziggurat EP35 - Denouement EP36 - Winter's Crest in Whitestone EP37 - A Musician's Nostalgia EP38 - Echoes of the Past EP39 - Omens EP40 - Desperate Measures EP41 - In Ruins EP42 - Dangerous Dealings EP43 - Return to Vasselheim EP44 - The Sunken Tomb EP45 - Those Who Walk Away EP46 - Cindergrove Revisited EP47 - The Family Business EP48 - Into the Frostweald EP49 - A Name is Earned EP50 - Best Laid Plans... EP51 - Test of Pride EP52 - The Kill Box EP53 - At Dawn, We Plan! EP54 - In the Belly of the Beast EP55 - Umbrasyl EP56 - Hope EP57 - Duskmeadow EP58 - A Cycle of Vengeance EP59 - The Feywild EP60 - Heredity and Hats EP61 - Denizens of the Moonbrush EP62 - Uninviting Waters EP63 - The Echo Tree EP64 - The Frigid Doom EP65 - The Streets of Ank'Harel EP66 - A Traveler's Gamble EP67 - The Chase to Glintshore EP68 - Cloak and Dagger EP69 - Passed Through Fire EP70 - Trust EP71 - Vorugal EP72 - The Elephant in the Room EP73 - The Coming Storm EP74 - Path of Brass EP75 - Where the Cards Fall EP76 - Brawl in the Arches EP77 - Clash at Daxio EP78 - The Siege of Emon EP79 - Thordak EP80 - Raishan EP81 - What Lies Beneath the Surface EP82 - Deadly Echoes EP83 - The Deceiver's Stand EP84 - Loose Ends EP85 - A Bard's Lament EP86 - Daring Days EP87 - Onward to Vesrah EP88 - Tangled Depths EP89 - Curious Tides EP90 - Voice of the Tempest EP91 - Vox Machina Go to Hell EP92 - Deals in the Dark EP93 - Bats Out of Hell EP94 - Jugs and Rods EP95 - One Year Later EP96 - Family Matters EP97 - Taryon, My Wayward Son EP98 - The Mines of the Many EP99 - Masquerade EP100 - Unfinished Business EP101 - Thar Amphala EP102 - Race to the Tower EP103 - The Fate-Touched EP104 - Elysium EP105 - The Fear of Isolation EP106 - The Endless Atheneum EP107 - Scaldseat EP108 - The Core Anvil EP109 - The Ominous March EP110 - The Climb Within EP111 - Shadows of Thomara EP112 - Dark Dealings EP113 - The Final Ascent EP114 - Vecna, the Ascended EP115 - The Chapter Closes

Critical Role

First Air Date: 2015-03-12

Original Language: EN

Vote Average: 8.5

TMDB-ID: 254002

IMDB ID: tt4834232