Phineas and Ferb: Season 3

EP1 - The Great Indoors EP2 - Canderemy EP3 - Run, Candace, Run EP4 - Last Train to Bustville EP5 - Phineas' Birthday Clip-o-Rama! EP6 - The Belly of the Beast EP7 - Moon Farm EP8 - Ask a Foolish Question EP9 - Misperceived Monotreme EP10 - Candace Disconnected EP11 - Magic Carpet Ride EP12 - Bad Hair Day EP13 - Meatloaf Surprise EP14 - Phineas and Ferb Interrupted EP15 - A Real Boy EP16 - Mommy Can You Hear Me? EP17 - Road Trip EP18 - Tour de Ferb EP19 - Skiddley Whiffers EP20 - My Fair Goalie EP21 - Bullseye! EP22 - That's the Spirit EP23 - The Curse of Candace EP24 - Escape From Phineas Tower EP25 - Lotsa Latkes EP26 - Ferb Latin EP27 - A Phineas and Ferb Family Christmas EP28 - Tri-Stone Area EP29 - Doof Dynasty EP30 - Excaliferb EP31 - Phineas and Ferb and the Temple of Juatchadoon EP32 - Monster from the Id EP33 - Gi-Ants EP34 - The Remains of the Platypus EP35 - Mom's In The House EP36 - Perry the Actorpus EP37 - Let's Bounce EP38 - Bully Bromance Break Up EP39 - Quietest Day Ever EP40 - The Doonkelberry Imperative EP41 - Meapless in Seattle EP42 - Delivery of Destiny EP43 - Buford Confidential EP44 - The Mom Attractor EP45 - Cranius Maximus EP46 - Agent Doof EP47 - Minor Monogram EP48 - What A Croc! EP49 - Sleepwalk Surprise EP50 - Sci-Fi Pie Fly EP51 - Sipping with the Enemy EP52 - Tri-State Treasure: Boot of Secrets EP53 - Doofapus EP54 - Norm Unleashed EP55 - Where's Perry (1) EP56 - Where's Perry (2) EP57 - Ferb TV EP58 - When Worlds Collide EP59 - What'd I Miss? EP60 - Road to Danville EP61 - This is Your Backstory EP62 - Blackout

Phineas and Ferb

First Air Date: 2007-08-17

Original Language: EN

Vote Average: 7.9

TMDB-ID: 1877

IMDB ID: tt0852863