Elementary: Season 4
EP1 - The Past is Parent
EP2 - Evidence of Things Not Seen
EP3 - Tag, You're Me
EP4 - All My Exes Live in Essex
EP5 - The Games Underfoot
EP6 - The Cost of Doing Business
EP7 - Miss Taken
EP8 - A Burden of Blood
EP9 - Murder Ex Machina
EP10 - Alma Matters
EP11 - Down Where the Dead Delight
EP12 - A View With a Room
EP13 - A Study in Charlotte
EP14 - Who Is That Masked Man?
EP15 - Up to Heaven and Down to Hell
EP16 - Hounded
EP17 - You've Got Me, Who's Got You?
EP18 - Ready or Not
EP19 - All In
EP20 - Art Imitates Art
EP21 - Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing
EP22 - Turn It Upside Down
EP23 - The Invisible Hand
EP24 - A Difference in Kind