NOVA: Season 42
EP1 - Vaccines Calling the Shots
EP2 - Rise of the Hackers
EP3 - Why Planes Vanish
EP4 - Surviving Ebola
EP5 - Ben Franklin's Balloons
EP6 - First Air War
EP7 - Bigger Than T. rex
EP8 - Emperor’s Ghost Army
EP9 - Killer Landslides
EP10 - First Man on the Moon
EP11 - Big Bang Machine
EP12 - Sunken Ship Rescue
EP13 - Sinkholes—Buried Alive
EP14 - Colosseum: Roman Death Trap
EP15 - Petra: Lost City of Stone
EP16 - Hagia Sophia: Istanbul’s Ancient Mystery
EP17 - The Great Math Mystery
EP18 - Invisible Universe Revealed
EP19 - Nazi Attack on America
EP20 - Lethal Seas
EP21 - Chasing Pluto
EP22 - Nuclear Meltdown Disaster